Does This Sound Like You?

You’ve got a technology refresh coming up and you have to get rid of your old IT Assets quickly. Except you have to be extra careful so you don’t risk a breach in data security.
You also can’t just dump the computers in the bin because that would violate your organisation’s environmental policy. Wouldn’t it be better if they were ‘reborn’?
Maybe you could put them in the corner of a dark room and they would magically disappear if no one thought about them? But you know you really shouldn’t because OHS&E will come knocking on your door if there’s an incident.
So as the IT Manager of your organisation, just how do you dispose of your old IT Assets?
You should start by downloading our industry IT Asset Disposal Guide. It’s been written specifically for IT Managers that face exactly the same challenges as you. It will show you exactly what you need to think about when disposing of your IT Assets yourself.
Now in case you are so busy working on other more important projects, and you don’t have time to pick up the machines one by one from everyone’s desk, catalogue the serial numbers, wipe the hard drives and then get rid of the equipment in an environmentally sound way that maximises organisational ROI… then you should give us a call.
As a trusted IT Asset Disposal Specialist we’ll be able to work with you to take care of all the asset management tasks involved in disposing of your old IT Equipment and leave you to focus on what’s much more important to you.
Give us a call on (03) 9973 2968 today and see how we can help make life easier for you.